A Meeting to finalize the development of Somalia’s National Action Plan on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) opened in Mogadishu on Tuesday.
The Conference which convened religious leaders, youth, government officials and civil society groups is expected to review, provide capacity building and strengthen the key stakeholders to meaningfully contribute to the PCVE exercise.
Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Somali Deputy Prime Minister, Mahdi Mohamed Guled has stressed the role of religious leaders in the fight against Violent Extremism.
“The clerics can use their vital position in the community to fight extremism. The religious leaders are the backbone of the society, therefore they play very important role to annihilate this menace,” said Mr. Guled.
Somali Cleric Association Chairman, Sheikh Bashir Mohamed Salad called on the participants of the meeting to collaborate and come up with a comprehensive approach to end the extremism.
Mr. Salad said the fundamental issue needed to be addressed is means to overcome and eradicate violent extremism and its impacts on the youth and other members of the society.
The meeting organized by Federal Government will continue for two days, at the end of the meeting, the participants are expected to issue communiqué on this issue of violent extremism.
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