Somali minister for Defense, Mohamed Mursal Sheikh on Tuesday stepped down from his portfolio office to vie for Lower House speakership.
Speaking to the media in Mogadishu, Mursal said he submitted his resignation letter to Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Kheire.
“I came to decision resign to conform the conditions forwarded by the Parliamentary elections committee,” Lafta-Green said.
The Parliamentary Interim Elections committee on Sunday issued a statement directing the ministers vying for the position of speaker to quit their ministerial posts before registering tem as potential candidates.
On Monday, State Minister for trade, Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed resigned.
Over six candidates contesting for the office of the speaker are expected to deliver their campaign speeches at the parliament on Wednesday and Thursday.
The names of current candidates are as follows:
Ibrahim Isack yarrow, Sheikh Ali Sheikh Mohamed, Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed, Salim Aliyow Ibrow and Sheikh Adan Mohamed
The election is set to take place on 30th of this month.
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